Barbara, over at
Cat Patches, has the 2012 NewFO Challenge.
I'm in 'crunch time' on a few quilts, and, I'm not sure I'll get them done. I have several graduation quilts to make, and 2 wedding mini quilts to make. Yes, I'm starting really late, since I've only started one of the graduation quilts and one of the mini quilts so far. I thought making a quilt for youngest son for his graduation would be pretty quick, since, when I made the quilt for oldest son's graduation, I made extra blocks for youngest son at the same time. That is what youngest son wanted, THEN. This is oldest son's quilt. Sorry about the colors in the pictures. Cloudy day and bad lighting.
Christopher's quilt |
back of quilt |
extra block |
There is a story behind this quilt. I found this block pattern at Joann's while I was working on my second quilt. Remember, I never learned how to sew, and, I'm mostly self taught on quilting. I figured that this would be an easy block to make, since it was all straight lines, and bought enough fabric to make quilts for both boys (way back in early 2002). Lots of the star fabrics are Christmas fabrics that were on sale.
Well, when I started to cut the pieces out, I kept 'flipping' them, and had to end up cutting one piece at a time. UGH! Then, when I went to sew it together, I had to rip out each seam at least once, some I had to rip out many times. It just wouldn't line up correctly. I made one block and told the boys that they weren't getting this quilt, EVER!
Jump to 2009, when oldest son was getting ready to graduate. I offered to make him a quilt for his dorm room. I offered several ideas, but, no, he said he wanted 'THAT' quilt. OH NO! I found the fabric, and even the one block that I'd made, but, no pattern. I used template plastic and made the pieces. I made enough blocks to make at least two quilts, and some pillow shams at a later date (nope, not made yet). I said I would NEVER make this block again. Yea, right!
Back in February I asked youngest son if he wanted to use these blocks, or, make something totally different for his graduation/dorm quilt. Well, youngest son had picked out some fabric the summer before to make himself a quilt. He decided that he wanted me to use his fabrics to make him a quilt, but, he wanted 'THAT' block. OH NO! I had to buy a few extra fabrics so that there would be enough variety in the block, then, I had to make 'THAT' block, again. UGH! Somehow I wound up cutting out 28 BLOCKS! Yea, I know, crazy number of blocks. That is how many center squares I ended up with when I started cutting, and, I just cut that much of each other color. Also, youngest son helped choose what fabrics went where. These are his blocks (no, they aren't squared up yet).
all 28 blocks |
Connor's blocks |
These are the main things that I've been sewing all month long. I haven't had much time, but, you can get lots of seams done while watching Dancing with the Stars and Castle. I sewed all these blocks on my 1959 Singer Spartan hand crank sewing machine.
1959 Singer Spartan hand crank |
I just LOVE my Spartan hand crank! I hate ripping seams that I've sewn with her, though, because she makes such tiny stitches. Have I mentioned that I've ripped LOTS of seams out this past month!?! UGH!
Now to figure out how to set these blocks. Youngest son wants the blocks in the center to be set on point. We haven't figured out the rest yet. Glad I have lots of material left. And, no, this quilt won't be done in time to hand quilt it, either. Gonna have to pay someone to quilt it. I've never paid anyone to quilt one of my quilts before. Oh well, he's worth it.