Thursday, April 30, 2015

Leg Lamp quilt

My stepfather loves A Christmas Story movie.  (I haven't watched it since it came out, decades ago).  Melvin has a Leg Lamp, like in the movie.  When I came across a paper pieced Leg Lamp, I just had to make one for Melvin.  Sarah made her Leg Lamp into a pillow.  I made mine into a wall hanging.
I used black netting on the leg (it makes it harder to keep the leg fabric flat), and I used velvet for the top of the stocking.  My fringe is shorter than hers, so I can see the top of her leg peeking out.  I ironed over all the different fabrics with no problems (except the fringe).

I hand quilted black stitching along the seams of the lamp shade.  I also quilted in the ditch along her leg.  I didn't think it needed any more quilting than that, since it is only 8" wide, and 20" tall. 
hand quilting on lamp shade

Other than the hand stitching, this was made on my 1959 Singer Spartan hand crank sewing machine.

I made 2 of these (I have a tendency to make multiples of things).  That way, Melvin will get his Leg Lamp, and, after I finish the binding on the 2nd one, I'll have something to put in my quilt guild's quilt show next March.  I usually give my quilts away, and seldom have anything to put in the show.

My 2nd Leg Lamp looks like this:
2nd Leg Lamp, showing backing fabric
Melvin will be getting this in May.  I hope he likes it. 


  1. What a wonderful gift! I'm sure Melvin will love it.

  2. Perfect! It is a great feeling when you find just the right gift for someone.

  3. I saw that picture on your Slow Sunday post and almost asked if that was the lamp from Christmas Story, LOL. It's great!

  4. Your legs are lookin' good. Your Step Dad will love it. How thoughtful of you. And you made 2! Way to think ahead.

  5. This is adorable! He will love it! Who wouldn't?

  6. How awesome! I was at first, like, say what? Then I "got" it! Just a tad slow, I know... The quilting is perfect and I love the "fishnet" leg!

  7. Can ya share the pattern please

    1. The pattern does not seem to be available anymore. Sorry.


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