hand quilted from a panel |
My youngest son is VP of communications for the Area 7 Venturing council (part of Boy Scouts). Venturing is co-ed, and, the venturers are ages 14-21. Well, this past Saturday was the first ever Area 7 Extravaganza. My hubby and I are both leaders in my sons Crew. I helped with the registration and stuff for over half the day on Saturday. My son and hubby both camped out for 2 nights (did I mention that the temps were in the low 30's?) while I slept at home with my (warm) puppies (smart me).
prairie points and buttons, from a panel |
'Scrappy Ninepatch' hand quilted |
pillow and box of sewing notions |
Well, on the way home, I passed a sign that said 'Auction Today'. Well, I've always heard about auctions, but, I've never had a chance to go to one. It was mid-afternoon, and I decided to see what was left. I was hoping to find a sewing machine (no surprise there), but, there weren't any machines. Most of the stuff was already gone, but, they still had stuff from the garage (boring) and two farm trailers full of things.
doilies and table runner |
two afgans |
I checked out one trailer, and found a box with two quilts in the top. I quit looking and asked how to 'do' and auction. After I signed up and got my number, I went back to my 'box'. I didn't want to pull everything out, in case someone else saw what was in it and wanted to bid against me. Near my box, I found another box of sewing notions. Ok, something else I wanted.
basket full of embroidery items |
scissors from the basket |
The other trailer was full of crafty things, mainly tole painting stuff and unfinished wood items. LOTS of people wanted that stuff. I saw a basket with some embroidery items in it, but, I couldn't dig around to see what was in it.
cute little 'swan' scissors |
Well, they FINALLY got around to the crafty trailer, and, no one bid on the basket of embroidery items. Ok, I'll offer the $1 that the auctioneer was trying to get. SOLD! to me for $1. I grabbed my basket and headed back to my 'box' of goodies.
Well, they FINALLY got to my trailer. On both trailers, if an item didn't sell, they'd add something else to it until someone made an offer. Well, the lady knew that I had my 'box' that I wanted, but first, she wanted to sell a box with a lonely afghan in it. I didn't want the striped afghan. There was already a pretty cream afghan in my 'box'. Well, since no one bid in the striped afghan, she added the box of notions to it, and placed the notions on my box of goodies, to make it all go at once. My 'number card' shot into the air! $1! Any other takers???? SOLD! for $1! Yipee!
When they assign you your 'number' they tell you that you will have to pay a 10% 'fee' on anything you win the bid on. Ok, that means I pay $1.10 for each $1 I bid. Cool! I got all this for $2.20!
I really wanted the Scrappy Ninepatch quilt and the cute panel quilt with the prairie points. I also wanted the box of sewing notions. Lots of cool things in there. The rest was all 'bonus' items. I didn't even show some of the items.
I don't know what I'll do with the top quilt. It's hand quilted, but, the colors don't really 'grab' me. I also don't know what I'll do with the embroidery items. Most of them have yellowed (maybe it's just dust), and I haven't learned how to embroider, yet. I'm keeping all the cool scissors from the basket. I figured that there would be 'something' hiding in that basket that I would want.
If you have any ideas about what to do with the top quilt, and the embroidery items, let me know. I'd be happy to pass them on to someone who would like them.
(BTW, my son has already claimed the striped afghan).