I had to get out yesterday, so, before heading back home, I decided to stop by a thrift store a few blocks from where I was. I headed around a corner of the mens area, and, under the shirts, barely sticking out, was a case. I'd never seen a case like this, but, I decided I needed to see what was in the case. I figured it would be a projector or a typewriter. Nope!
case I spied, hidden under the mens shirts |
I looked closer, and, what do you think I saw????
Pfaff |
Ok, I'm getting excited now. I'd already seen the price tag, before I even saw the word Pfaff. I opened the case, and....
contents of case |
Woohoo! I snapped that case shut, and quickly put it in my basket. I wasn't going to let anyone else know what I'd found. Sewing machines are usually found on the other side of the store, never before in the mens department, under shirts.
When I got home, I opened up the case to see what I'd just purchased.
sales slip, warranty, and manual |
purchased for $275 on March 18, 1961 |
This was purchased (floor model) a little over a month before my brother was born. It was purchased in New Brunswick, NJ.
Pfaff Automatic 360, with table pulled out, and attachment end added |
The table can be pulled out, and the end part is another attachment, to make the table longer.
Unfortunately, also in the case was a broken lever. It is the zig-zag finger control lever. (see above, middle dial lever is missing)
broken zig-zag finger tip control lever |
this is where the lever goes |
There were also a few other items in the case.
Singer 15 bobbins, Greist ruffler and 2 feet |
There was a plastic Singer 15 bobbin in the metal bobbin case. It didn't fit. This is what it did.
thread nest from wrong bobbin, I don't know where the other 2 parts go, that are on the plate |
This morning, I went to the basement, and grabbed the bag of attachments from my Pfaff 130. Woohoo! The bobbins from that machine fit this machine. She sewed some stitches.
Pfaff 360 stitches |
Unfortunately, when they broke the zig zag lever, something else got broken, too. I can't get this machine into straight stitch mode. I really want to get this machine to sew with all of it's stitches. It has more stitches than my modern Janome.
Pfaff Automatic stitch card, more stitches are shown on the back of the card |
It also came with this cool card. If you turn the dial (one on each side of the card), it tells you what to set each dial at to get that stitch. Oh my! I HAVE to get that stitch lever fixed and working. I want to try out all of these embroidery stitches. Too much fun!
I also found a few other things, last night, in my flower bed. Nope, not flowers. The dogs found baby bunnies! Hubby and I caught two of them, last night. I caught them with my hands. Poor things, they were so scared.
baby bunny #1 |
baby bunny #2 |
Hubby found these a new home last night.
This morning, when I let the dogs out, guess what!?! They found more baby bunnies in the same flower bed, that we'd missed last night. I caught one, but, I just couldn't get down to the other one, and now it has disappeared. Here is the one I caught this morning.
baby bunny #3 |
Isn't it just the cutest little thing? This one has also found a new home. Maybe we can catch the last one, and find it a new home, too. Bunnies and dogs don't do well in the same yard. We had chipmunks in that same area last summer, but, they moved on. I guess they got tired of being barked at and chased. Not fun for us or the neighbors.
I'm picking up another machine today. It won't be for me. I'm passing it on. I'll post about it next week.
Sunshine today! Yipee! I'm going to enjoy it for the short while it is here. Have a great weekend!