I was asked to show my Harry Potter: Project of Doom blocks (so far). I started making these blocks back in 2013 and got the first 12 blocks made. I also started embroidering the titles on the books in 2013. Bad me, I stopped making the blocks the week before my oldest son graduated college, and I stopped working on the embroidery that September.
I do think I know why I stopped working on the embroidery. One of the titles 'disappeared' while I was doing the embroidery on it. I'd stitched 2 words, then the rest of the letters I was stitching over just vanished. I couldn't figure out what to do, and just dropped the project.
Saturday I pulled all the blocks out and took photos of them. I prepped the last few blocks for embroidery, and I took the stitches out of that one block where the lettering disappeared. I started over with a wash away product. It is now waiting it's turn to be stitched.
Here are the blocks I have completed so far. I've made 2 of each block, but some of them still haven't been embroidered.
Week #1, one block done |
Week #1, The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1-6) by Miranda Goshawk, Sonnets of a Sorcerer, Unfogging the Future by Casandra Vablatsky
The 2nd block of Week #1 is the block that I took the stitching out and started over with wash away (purple book with lavender thread).
Week #3 (I'm currently working on the 2nd of these blocks) |
Week #3, An Anthology of Eighteenth Century Charms, Flesh-Eating Trees of the World by Hugh G. Forrest, Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Week #3 block was my slow stitching today. I'm almost done with it.
Week#4, one block finished
Week #4, Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Geneology, Numerology & Gramatica
Week #5 |
Week #5, Intermediate Transfiguration, Magical Drafts & Potions by Arsenius Jigger, Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches, Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks
both of Week #5 blocks finished
Week #6 |
Week #6, Asiatic Anti-venoms, Achievements in Charming, Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts
both of Week #6 are finished
Week #7, one block finished
Week #7, Spiders & Their Habits, Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean
Week #8
Week #8, The Healer's Helpmate, Sites of Historical Sorcery, A History of Magic by Balthilda Bagshot, Jinxes for the Jinxed
Week #8, both blocks finished
Week #9 |
Week #9, both blocks finished |
Week #10 |
Week #10, both blocks finished |
Week #11
Week #11, Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Broom Care
Week #11, both blocks finished
Week #12
Week #12, Prefects Who Gained Power, Magical Floral & Fauna, The Boy Who Lived (Twice): The Real Story by Rita Skeeter, Predicting the Unpredictable
Week #12, both blocks finished |
Week #12, Prefects Who Gained Power, Magical Floral & Fauna, The Boy Who Lived (Twice): The Real Story by Rita Skeeter, Predicting the Unpredictable
The next block to be made is the Monster book of Monsters. I wasn't looking forward to making that block, since I was thinking it probably needed to be done in faux fur. Well, I've been re-reading the series, and discovered that the Monster book of Monsters has a green leather cover. On Friday, I finally found a fabric that looks like green leather. Now to get back to making blocks for this quilt.