My large quilt guild,
Pride of the Prairie, had a blogger friend of mine speak at our guild meeting Thursday and also teach a class on Friday. Beth Hunter of
IHAN (I Have a Notion) spoke on threads and thread painting. Her class was on thread painting. I saw one of her blog posts about thread painting last summer, and recommended her as a speaker. What I didn't know at the time is that Beth used to be a member of this quilt guild (before I joined).
Since I don't free motion quilt, I knew that learning to thread paint was going to be a bit of a stretch for me. Way back in 2014 I got a great free motion quilt kit off the raffle table at the
Michigan TOGA (Treadle On Gathering and Academy). I hadn't used the kit yet (great intentions, but no follow thru, bad me). That kit was great to have for this class.
homemade 'super slider', quilting gloves |
card from the free motion kit |
I used the homemade 'super slider' (it worked great), the darning foot, and the gloves. The chocolate was given to another quilter at the TOGA, way back when.
Beth had practice pieces for us to start off with. I didn't do too bad on it, but my flower went from flat to almost 3D by the time we stopped working on these (VERY wavy petals on my flower).
before ironing |
better, after ironing |
from the back |
up close |
Beth did several demo's to show us how to work on our flowers.
Beth, showing us how to add the stitching |
After lunch, we started on the kits that we'd purchased. We were encouraged to add leaves or stems if we wanted.
thread painting my flower |
The lady sitting next to me had a great pale greenish white metallic thread that we both thought would look great on my white flower. Unfortunately, the thread was a cone, and neither of us had an adapter for the cone with us. I thought of a work around, by using a small spool of thread inside the cone. It worked great.
metallic thread |
how I could use the metallic thread on my machine |
This is as far as I got on my flowers before we packed up for the day.
my 2nd piece, in progress |
This will be fun to finish. I have lots of ideas for it. Thanks Beth for the fun class!