Gathering &
This past weekend was the Michigan TOGA. I didn't take many pictures of Sharon's lovely machines this year, since I'd done a post on them last year
here. Most of the same people attended as last year, with a few additions. Kathy from
Kathy's Quilts blog came down from Canada this year. She did a great
post about the TOGA. It was sew nice to finally get to meet Kathy in person. She is even nicer in person than she is on her blog.
me and Kathy at the TOGA |
At most TOGA's, not only do you get to meet other sewing machine enthusiasts, but, you get help with some of your 'trouble' machines, there is a raffle table, full of mainly sewing/crafty theme items, there are lots of machines and other sewing related items for sale, and lots of great food.
I took my '
Challenge' sewing machine, since it was breaking needles, and needed a new belt. It was used for the demo on how to convert a machine to a hand crank.
Japanese Challenge series 15 sewing machine |
The motor is back on this one, and, it isn't breaking needles anymore. Yipee! I'm not sure how much sewing I'll be able to do on this machine. It lives in a cabinet in my sewing room, BUT, the dog's bed sits under the cabinet, and I don't think she will be very happy if I move her bed.
I also took a couple of other machines. I got 2 new toy machines in late May/early June. I knew that Sharon (our hostess at the TOGA) had a Betsy Ross toy machine, so, I was hoping that she would know how to thread mine (Sharon has 2 Betsy Ross toy machines).
Betsy Ross toy sewing machine |
black thread is the chain stitch from this machine |
This toy machine now works! Woohoo!
I also took my new (to me) Singer Sew Handy model 40K toy machine. I got the manual with this machine, so, I do know how to thread it properly.
Singer Sew Handy Model 40K toy machine |
I did NOT get this one working. For some reason, the hook underneath goes on the wrong side of the needle, so it can't grab the thread. I can see what is wrong, but, I can't figure out how to fix it. Toy machines are known to not work well.
The raffle table was full of great items, including several sewing machines.
raffle table |
raffle table and raffle treadle |
My raffle tickets didn't called very often, but, I came away with some great items. My first choice was a 1881 Singer 12 treadle.
1881 Singer 12 Treadle |
1881 Singer 12 treadle |
Yes, it is VERY dirty, and, it doesn't turn. The treadle irons are rusty, but, they do turn nicely. The coffin top is in pieces. I'll start cleaning this up soon, and see if I can get it unfrozen. This is now my oldest treadle/machine. It is also my heaviest treadle. The treadle base weighs almost twice what any of my other treadle bases weigh (the head is pretty light).
Every once in a while, someone would say that the next number called would get a certain machine that had not sold. Well, I got an Elna Supermatic from Switzerland. It doesn't have the electric cord, but, I should be able to get one for it. I'll also need a manual, if possible. The Elna comes in a cool metal case.
Elna Supermatic case |
Elna Supermatic sewing machine, knee operated |
the case becomes the workspace for the machine |
Not bad, only 2 new (to me) machines came home this time.
I did get some other great stuff from the raffle table, but, I didn't take pictures, sorry.
One of the ladies that came made everyone a 'favor' to remember the TOGA. It is a battery operated candle with a great embroidered cover (yes, she used a modern machine to make it).
Marge and the cute favor she made everyone |
We also had a block exchange at the TOGA. Here are the blocks I received.
2015 Michigan TOGA blocks |
We also added something new this year. We had an UGLY fabric exchange/challenge. We brought at least one piece of UGLY fabric (at least 1/2 yard), and got someone else's UGLY fabric. I brought 2 UGLY fabrics (no pictures) and got what someone else considered UGLY.
UGLY fabrics I brought home |
There is a couple of yards of each of these UGLY fabrics. Personally, I love polka dots! This isn't UGLY to me at all! I guess '
one man's trash is another man's treasure' is very true. We have to bring back a finished project (any size, any project) with our UGLY fabrics for next year's TOGA. I already have an idea for my fabric. I also took a picture of
Kathy and her UGLY fabric.
Kathy and her UGLY fabric |
I want to see what Kathy does with her UGLY fabric. This will be fun!
I did bring home something else from the TOGA. I bought this sewing machine chair from Sharon (our hostess). I will recover it sometime in the future. I already have an idea of what fabric I'll use. It will just take me time to quilt the fabric before I can cover the chair. Too many projects, not enough time.
sewing machine chair |
All in all, it was a fantastic weekend! Well, it was fantastic UNTIL about 4 miles from home, when my transmission went out on my SUV. At least I was almost home, and not on the highway. I limped (very slowly) into a parking lot, where hubby rescued me. It took 2 trips to unload all the stuff from my large SUV into his little SUV, and get it home. I'm getting a whole new transmission, but, until it is finished, I don't have a car. Also, while loading my machines and stuff into hubby's car, I pulled something in my right hand (the ligaments by the knuckles) and my hand has been swollen and I am having a hard time using my middle fingers for most things. It is getting better each day, thank goodness. That has slowed me down on sewing and cleaning and playing with my new machines. All this typing has made my hand sore, so, I'll sign off now.