Just because I haven't been blogging, doesn't mean I haven't been busy. I've been doing things a bit slower since I injured my hand on the way home from the
Michigan TOGA (bottom of post). I finally went to the doctor earlier this week. He sent me for x-rays (no fractures, thank goodness) and I now have an appointment with a hand specialist for next week. I still think I damaged the ligaments, but, we'll see what the specialist says.
Here are some of the things I've been working on recently. I've worked on my
Red, White and True quilt along tops. I've changed mine up so that they fit the sizes needed for a Quilt of Valor.
I took a row out of the middle of the quilt to make them a bit shorter. Yes, I'm making 3 of these, but, I only have 2 tops this far. I took apart the blocks from the row that I didn't use, and, I figured out how to use them in the border instead.
my graph showing how I will finish these tops |
I only have to cut some of the white to add to the block pieces that I took apart. I also need the white for the little, inside border. I don't think I have enough white left over for the quilt in the top picture. Maybe I'll 'frame' it in red or blue instead of using the white for a frame, before I add the pieced border. I like the white better, since it seems to make the top 'float'. Hopefully I'll get more done on these at the next
Quilts of Valor sew-in on Tuesday.
Remember this frog quilt top?
Frog quilt top |
Not only did I make a backing for it (not basted or quilted yet) but, I started on a 2nd Frog quilt, using different frog fabrics. I have the blocks made.
blocks for 2nd Frog quilt |
Here are the fabrics I'll be using for the sashing and cornerstones.
stripe for sashing, green frogs for cornerstones |
The first Frog quilt is for a friends husband, but, the 2nd Frog quilt will be for charity. Both need to be finished before Christmas.
Remember the baby quilt I made that
turned pink? Well, that baby quilt is due in 3 weeks. I made a new top. I pre-washed the Minkee (red) this time. Guess what?!?! The Red Minkee bled again. I've treated it with Retayne, and washed it again with another color catcher. This time the color catcher came out white (thank goodness). This is a WARNING to all of you out there! Pre-wash your RED Minkee, just in case! Now I need to baste and quilt this.
NEW Churn Dash baby quilt top |
And YES, I pre-washed and pre-treated ALL of the fabrics for this quilt BEFORE I cut anything out. I'm not taking any chances. (all the quilt top fabrics for the last quilt had been pre-washed and treated, too, just not the Minkee).
I've also been working on some other projects, bit by bit. I've started the blanket stitching on these RV placemats and pot holders (8 of each).
The blanket stitch on my Janome works great for a while, then the tension starts messing up. Do you know how hard it is to remove bad blanket stitches? Let me tell you, IT'S HARD!. I've already changed the needle once on this project. I'll change the needle again, when I go back to it. A new needle seems to help a lot!
I've also been working on my little guild's challenge block. We are supposed to make a 12.5" unfinished block with either a witch or a scarecrow for our October meeting. As usual, I'm making two blocks (one for the challenge, and one I will turn into a wall hanging for me). This is as far as I've gotten so far.
Witch blocks |
I still need to draw on the words so that I can embroider them. This is the pattern.
Hopefully I'll get the words traced onto the blocks this weekend.
I did get a fun package in the mail yesterday. I was involved in another pin cushion exchange with my
Treadle On group. I forgot to take a picture of the finished pin cushion that I made. Here are pictures of the unfinished pin cushions I made.
I sent the pin cushion on the RIGHT (I kept the one on the left for me) |
back of pin cushion, signed |
Well, I got my exchange pin cushion in the mail yesterday. I even got a bonus pin cushion from the hostess (how sweet).
pin cushion from exchange, isn't he CUTE! |
pin cushion from the hostess of the exchange |
Usually people send a gift to the hostess. I've never heard of the hostess sending gifts. Thanks Stephanie!
Oh yea, I did get a FINISH in the past few weeks. I finished the binding on the twin size Churn Dash quilt.
twin size Churn Dash quilt (DONE!) |
Now to go FINISH some of my projects!