Saturday, March 16, 2013

2 Quilt shows and fun quilty finds/wins!

Hubby and I went to 2 different quilt shows today.  What a fun way to celebrate Int'l Quilting Day!  On the way to the first quilt show, we stopped at a thrift store (like that's a surprise)!  I've passed up a baby quilt 2 times at this store since January, because I didn't like the sashing around the blocks, and, I don't need a baby quilt.   Well, I was thinking of the preemie quilts that my little guild makes each year for a local hospital.  I could take this quilt apart, and just use the blocks to make cute preemie quilts.  While there, I also found over 7 yards of new flannel, that can be used as backings.  First score of the day!

baby quilt and over 7 yards of flannel
 We stopped at a quilt store in Princeton, IL, before we hit the first quilt show.  Old Times, Quilters Heaven.  This is one of two quilt stores in the town (we didn't stop at the second store).  I've never been to this store before.  The fabric on bolts was on sale for $5 a  yard.  I only purchased 5 yards, to make pincushion/thread catchers.  They also have some vintage items at the store.  I found an original hand crank in a box.   The handle is slightly bent, but, I think I can still use it. 

original vintage hand crank and fabrics
Next stop was "Sea of Dreams" quilt show, presented by Covered Bridge Quilters Guild of Princeton, Illinois.  Here are some pictures of a few of the quilts that they showed.

one of the Bonnie Hunter designs

We missed the bed turning, but, here is their set up for it.

bed turning area
Here are more pictures from the quilt show.

look how tiny these Dresden's were

This was the 'Flood Quilt'  see the description below

look at these cute outfits

Clowns!  (sorry about her head, she kept moving every time I tried to take a picture)

paper pieced
Next came the vendors market.  I was pretty good!

3 quilt books

small notions chest and 3 fat quarters

After a yummy lunch, provided by the FFA group, we headed towards Ottawa, Illinois, to the Tuckabatchee Quilters "Little Cabin in the Woods" quilt show.

First off, we got there just in time for the 'Treadle Races'.  I got to 'race' on a New Home treadle. 

me, 'racing' to finish my 9 patch block, first

I beat the other lady (on her own treadle) by half a block.  Woohoo!  I won a cute teacup pincushion. 

my block and pincushion prize
The treadle I used, belonged to another vintage machine collector, who is also in some of my machine groups.  Here is her display at the show.

some of Cathy's machines

more of Cathy's machines

Cathy's hand crank
Now some pictures of the quilts at the show.  This show was in a much smaller area, so, pictures were much harder to take. 

vintage quilt from 1870

up close of quilt above.  1/4" pieces

loved this Friendship quilt
This show had a 'quilters consignment table'.  Well, of course I had to shop. 

some of the goodies I came home with (no, this isn't everything)  Check out the zebra fabric!

hand stitched medallion center, included some extra pieces, templates and a hand drawn/designed pattern.  All this for $2

box of accessories and machine feet.  I don't have a clue what machine they should fit, but, I'll try them on some of my machines.  It included a 'rolling' foot.
I also found a bag full of precut scraps and a book.  I didn't know what all was in the bag, but, for $5, I wasn't going to turn it down.  Oh my!  Look what the bag contained.

precut squares, each bag is labeled with the size and where they go

a few pieces, already sewn, with cutting instructions

book "Scraps' by Judy Martin, along with some of the bags of fabric

this is the quilt that is marked in the book
I don't know if all the pieces are in the bag, and which size it will make (pattern includes 3 sizes).  I'll have to really check all of this out. 

What a fun day!  Hubby is a sweetie to go with me.  He even points out some of the quilts he likes best.  Now, I'd better go, and feed him.  Have a great weekend!  I have so far!


  1. What a fun day! We went to the Quilt Expo in Galena yesterday but it was very small - a little bit of a disappointment. I'll have to check these shows out next year. ~Jeanne

  2. Two quilt shows in one day, and shopping at the thrift store. Heaven!! Great way to spend international quilt day.

  3. Oh what fun you got to have this weekend! I am sooooo happy that you shared all of these wonderful pictures with us! Once again, I am jealous of your fabulous finds. Your last post did inspire me to stop at a thrift store this week where I actually found vintage fabric for the first time! I did a little happy dance and silently thanked you for the inspiration. :-)

    After this post, I am definitely inspired to get quilting this week! Thank you for taking the time to share with us!

  4. You make me sick..LOL Just kidding. You find the best items at the Thrift Store. We only have junk! Great quilt show. Lovely quilts and I enjoyed seeing you racing on the machine!

  5. Wow, you had a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing the shows with us, I really love seeing so many quilts. Wonderful inspiration.

  6. Sounds like an absolutely wonderful day. What great finds you picked up while shopping and such beautiful quilts at the show. Thanks for sharing.

    I thought of you while spending the day in my sewing room. We all did a great job celebrating International Quilting Day.


  7. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog and for posting so many pictures of such lovely quilts! My DH and I went to the Dallas Quilt Celebration last weekend, and they had a harsh picture policy. You could take pictures of the juried quilts, but you couldn't post them online, even with attribution, without the written consent of the maker. Of course, they don't give you any way to actually contact the maker... Personally I think they are shooting themselves in the foot.

    Take care,
    Susan in Texas

  8. Thanks for taking us along! I had a great time, too.
    You know why your hubby points out the quilts he likes...

  9. Looks like a great day! I think you are lucky that your husband was along for all that quilty goodness! Mine wouldn't last through one stop! Thanks for the beautiful show and tell. (ps. can you see if I come up no reply still?)

  10. What a wonderful day....and love your $5 Mystery quilt purchase.

  11. Thank you so much for posting these. Wonderful quilts. And it's interesting how different the two shows were. And congratulations on running the race and finding so many thrifty treasures!

  12. WOW!! Y'all really got in some eye candy, didn't you?! What a sweet hubby you have, keeping you company through it all, too! Nice win on the race -- how funny that it was her own machine!! And some very nice scores, too! Way to go!!!! :)

  13. My goodness - what a great quilt show! Lots of different quilts for everyone to enjoy!!! And the goodies you brought home - my oh my!!! I loved the story of the "race" - glad you won!!!

  14. There are some amazing quilts there. I loved the lion. Well done in the race. I am off to the Brisbane craft and quilts show today.

  15. What a perfectly wonderful day! Your purchases didn't break the bank, and you found some real treasures. Thank you for sharing such wonderful quilts. I enjoyed that! Hope my quilt show is as good tomorrow. Love the teacup pincushion, and how perfect for you is that!


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