I've been traveling since the first of the year. My youngest son and his wife, flew from Anchorage, Alaska, to our hometown of San Angelo, Texas. My mother & stepfather, inlaws, brother & sister in law, and best friend of almost 40 years all still live in San Angelo. What a great excuse to drive 1200 miles, and visit everyone!
Sorry, there aren't any pictures of family and friends, since my cell phone was giving me fits from shortly after I left Illinois. What a pain! Each time I'd try to take a picture, the phone wouldn't take it, or would shut down. I was also having a tough time making phone calls, a lot of the time. It's a 4 year old phone, but, it doesn't seem to like it when I travel. My camera was never near me, when I wanted to take pictures. Oh well.
I was gone a total of 18 days, and went thru 4 states (Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma & Texas). On the way home, I stopped in St. Louis, and got to have dinner with
Kevin the Quilter. Kevin came and spoke at my little quilt guild two years ago. There were 3 blog posts about his visit.
Post #1,
Post #2 &
Post #3. Kevin also collects vintage machines (he only has a few so far.
Kevin & I at Jackman's Fabrics |
Kevin gave me a cute little chicken pin cushion and some fresh eggs, from his chickens.
Of course, I found a few things at Jackman's Fabrics.
goodies from Jackman's Fabrics |
Of course, I stopped at a few quilt shops and antique malls along the way. I stopped at one quilt shop twice (coming and going), The
Stitching Depot.com in Burkburnett, Texas. They are having a BOM, and will mail the blocks to you. I decided to sign up on the way home.
BOM info (on the website above) |
goodies from StitchingDepot.com |
Of course, I chose the wildflowers version. We provide our own background material, and they ship you the rest. While at Jackman's in St Louis, I found the perfect background material to go with the wildflower fabrics. Doesn't the barb wire fabric go great?!?!?
some of the fabrics for the wildflower BOM |
*Yes, I know they are sending me the fabrics, but, I just couldn't pass up 'extra' fabrics, in case I want to make something else with them.
I also found some cute fabric at an antique mall in Illinois, on the way home. This will make a cute baby quilt.
I 'collected' some other goodies on the trip, too. I love Teapots! (check out the title of my blog). I got 2 teapots on this trip. One is a gift from my BFF, and the other one, we found together, at an antique shop.
teapot from Michele is the one on the left |
Here are the two pin cushions I came home with. The bear is from Alaska, and the chicken is from Kevin.
pin cushions |
I also found some cute little things, too. I had to get the purple cow, since my favorite poem from 2nd grade has a purple cow.
I never saw a Purple Cow,
I never hope to see one,
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I’d rather see than be one!
The head vase reminds me of another blogger buddy of mine,
Sue. Sue collects head vases. This one has lots of chips, but, is so cute! I got my purple featherweight from Sue.
The elephant salt & pepper shakers will go to my mother, who collects elephants (shhhh, don't tell her.....).
Of course, I couldn't come home without a sewing machine. I started with a lovely Frister & Rossmann hand crank.
Frister & Rossmann Model E #1654855 |
lid is decorated on both sides |
attachments that came with it |
'E' showing Model E |
decorated on the base |
This was supposed to be the only machine I came home with, but.... Michele and I stopped at a 2nd antique mall, and found this toy machine. It has a Centennial Badge on it.
1950's Singer Sew Handy model 20 |
When I was nearly home, I stopped one last time. I saw a cute machine, but, was going to pass it up. The lady offered to sell it to me for less, and I told her I really didn't need another machine, since I have so many, and that I'd have to replace the electric cords. She asked what I'd be willing to spend, and, I told her half of her price, since I figured there was no way she'd accept, but..... she said SOLD! Oh no, another machine!
1950's Japanese 3/4 size class 15 |
badge on class 15 |
I do love 3/4 size machines!
Hopefully I'll get some stitching done soon. I will be a part of a blog hop the end of the month, and, I just downloaded the book. Now I get to pick a project and fabric.