tiny dragon teapot |
dragon saucer |
Thimbles Quilt Shop quilt |
panel from 'The Sew It Book Collection' |
This teapot is TINY! I found it at a garage sale last week. It's less than 2 inches tall, but, it's a REAL teapot, not one of the little resin ones. This is actually made of china. It has dragons on it, and it is hand painted. I love the little teacup and saucer that came with it. The details are so pretty, sorry they don't photograph very well.
up close of the panel |
up close of the panel |
Mrs. Sew & Sew |
Punctuation by American Jane |
Foundation by the Yard |
doll dresses pan |
Last week there was a 'shop hop' in my area. There were seven shops in the hop, but, we stopped at eight shops, since the other ladies hadn't been to one of them before. It is new.
We covered about 100 miles for this shop hop. We've done more than that on another shop hop.
One of the shops has a quilt hanging by the register. It has their name above the little door on the quilt. They even quilted some falling leaves on either side of the building. They made this quilt a few years ago for another shop hop.
My little guild (I'm in two guilds) is having a class to make ruler holders tomorrow. Well, since I've been so busy with work, etc, I haven't had time to see if I have matching material to make the ruler holder out of my stash. Oh No! What's a girl to do? I had to buy more fabric. Terrible, isn't it ; ) I found some button fabric and some matching fabric at the first store. Hmm... not enough color choices, guess I'll have to use the same fabric instead of over and over. At another store, I found the panel that matches the button fabric, and the other matching fabrics. Yipee! Oh yea, the panel was on SALE! I bought 2 panels, one for the lining, and one for 'later'. I'm trying to decide if I should make an apron with it, or, fussy cut it for a pin cushion/thread catcher or, make a sewing machine mat with it. Hmmm.... maybe all three (I tend to buy way more fabric than I'll need for a project).
I have a panel in my stash of the Mrs Sew & Sew. I only have one pin cushion/thread catcher left, so, I need to make more. I usually make about a dozen at a time. I love these fabrics. I may also make a sewing machine mat with them, too.
Since I already needed to make some pin cushion/thread catchers, I'd found the off white Punctuation fabric in Texas last month. I checked at each store to see if they had fabric from the line. Finally, store #4 had some. My shopping list was almost done.
Several years ago I tried to find some of this 'foundation by the yard' fabric. One of the stores has it in stock now. I bought the crazy quilt squares, since I want to make a crazy quilt one of these days. I just need some more satins and velvets first.
A missionary couple at our church are having their first baby, a girl, near Christmas. I'm hoping I can find the time to put some borders around this panel and machine quilt it before the baby comes. I know, I know, I don't machine quilt. I can do some 'in the ditch' machine quilting. My friends all figured I could just quilt around the squares and where the 'rick rack' is. Now if I can just find the time... I'm looking!!!!
I was a good girl on the shop hop. I only bought one thing that wasn't on my shopping list (yes, I had a list). I don't think there is another shop hop until February. Oh well, we'll just have to make our own shop hop. Yipee!