Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Quilted Chair

I love the freebie table at my large quilt guild.  Several months ago someone put three different Mary Engelbreit blocks on the freebie table.  I knew I could do something with those blocks.  Well, I finally did something with two of those blocks.

I've had these blocks basted to fusible fleece for several weeks now, I just haven't gotten them quilted until today.  I attached the finished blocks to the chair parts this evening.

I quilted two other chairs two years ago, but hadn't gotten around to quilting the last two chairs.  I still have one more chair to recover.  I don't know what I want to use for the last chair.

This chair is done just in time to be in my booth at the quilt show this weekend.  I'll be using my three sets of chair wheelies for these chairs. 


  1. You have to have the best chairs in your booth at the quilt shows. Another cute one! ~Jeanne

  2. What a great way to use freebie fabric!

  3. Oh I just love ME fabrics and this is just wonderful! I think I need to cover some chairs now.

  4. Gorgeous! I love your fabric covered chairs.

  5. What an adorable chair! You did a great job centering the design.

  6. This turned out so cute! Really good job and perfect for the show.

  7. the chairs are so cute.did the chairs already have a cushion on them?
    sorry to say will not be coming to the show I hope it is a good one.

  8. Brava! I bet you will get offers to sell your chair!

  9. That looks great! When I bought my sewing chair from IKEA I swore I'd cover it with something more fun. Well, I think I've had it for about 4 or 5 years now! Another project that needs to be tackled.

  10. Quilted chair? AWESOME!!! The chair wheelies are pretty cool, too.

  11. Cute chairs. Enjoy your show this weekend. I don't know where you are, but EVERY quilt related event has been canceled in CA. Be grateful you are where you are! Stay healthy!!

  12. This is AWEsome! I went back to check the others and WOW! I have chairs exactly like yours. Will they have a "face lift" soon? You bet! Wonderful work. ;^)

  13. Love it!! I need to get that kind of set up for my sewing room.

  14. This is cool. As a kid my grandma needle-pointed the replacement cushion of her wooden chairs. I didn't realize the value or the craftiness when I was 8 years old. I surely appreciate it now.

  15. On your original post about the wheelies, you said they were epoxied...did that last or did your hubby end up putting washers and bolts into the tennis balls?? I have all the supplies to make a set for me but was wondering about gluing vs bolting...

    1. You are a no-reply blogger, so I can respond to you. Not sure if you will even see this. Yes, the epoxy has held up well. I haven't had any need to do anything else. The wheelies work great.

  16. I love your quilted chairs! I did a kids class on that back when I owned my shop - fun stuff!


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