Friday, November 13, 2020

Caught up on Embroidery blocks

 I got caught up on the Harry Potter embroidery blocks.  These were the last three blocks that I had prepared.  I'm making 2 of each block.

Week #1
I love the fun titles:  
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1-6) by Miranda Goshawk
Sonnets of a Sorcerer
Unfogging the Future by Cassandra Vablatsky

Week #2
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
The Beater's Bible by Brutus Scrimgeour
Muggles Who Notice by Blenheim Stalk
Theories of Transubstantial Transfiguration

Both of Week #2 blocks

All of the first 13 blocks are now completely finished (made and embroidered).  The embroidery takes as long to finish as making the blocks.

I've prepared the next set of blocks to embroider.  I work on these about an hour each day at work (lucky me).  


  1. Looking very good! These are going to be neat quilts. ~Jeanne

  2. Always nice to see and feel progress. Not much here, unless you count endless hours chasing down a tension issue on the longarm. Next up, some donation quilts to quilt!

  3. Looking forward to seeing the finished project, I am sure you are too!

  4. It's coming along nicely. I love having some hand stiching to do when away from my machine.

  5. I embroidered the titles on my first two PoD quilts. The second two I made without. It goes much faster without the titles!

  6. Great progress! I've enlarged the photos to see the embroidery and can't decided if it's done by machine or by hand. It looks by hand as machine quilting looks different but on the other hand the stitches are so regular that I can't believe that they are hand stitched! In any case it looks great!


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