I haven't done much sewing lately. Instead, I've been helping families find charitable homes for their loved one's stashes. I was contacted by another lady about her sister's stash. I was told it was a quilter, but when I picked everything up, it was almost all garment fabrics. Hmmm....what do I do with garment fabrics (lovely fabrics, but I don't sew clothing, and don't know anyone who sews clothes). Well, after asking two different groups of quilters, I found a home for everything. This afternoon, I took buttons to one lady, that will be used for children's sweaters that one of her groups makes and donates. Then I took 2 sewing machines and all the rest (notions, fabrics, TONS of buttons, etc.) to a church that works with refugee's. These things will be given to refugee's who can sew, so that they can make clothing either for their families, or to sell so that they can support themselves. Woohoo! (now I can get back into my family room again ;).
Back on September 16th, hubby took our kitchen sink out, to replace it with a new one. Oops! 3 of the 4 corners of the new sink were cracked. Too late to put the old sink back in.
no kitchen sink |
Well, the new sink arrived after it was shipped from another state (no cracks) but, the pipes didn't fit in the same places as the old sink. Hubby & our son finally figured everything out, and our new sink works. It took 2 weeks to get everything hooked up, and a few days longer to finally get the little leak fixed. Meanwhile, no cooking happened at our house for over 2 weeks.
new kitchen sink |
Now I have to cook again :( I didn't miss cooking much.
I have gotten some stitching done (not much). I finished the last block for the Angels Among Us quilt.
December block |
I've cut most of the sashing strips and border strips for this quilt. Now to get them stitched together.
I've also stitched over 300 HST's for 4 different projects (Angels Among Us, Family Reunion quilt, Quilt Guild raffle quilt and last set of Friendship Star TOBE blocks). I still have more HST's to make for the Family Reunion quilt.
Last summer I started a Leaders & Enders project, the Omigosh! quilt. I've been slowly making 9 patch blocks for this quilt. I've made over 150 9 patch blocks so far (I need 550 total 9 patch blocks).
150 teeny tiny 9 patch blocks |
These 9 patch blocks are 2" unfinished. I do have lots of parts of this quilt cut out, waiting for their turn to be stitched. This will NOT be a quick project!
Another reason I haven't been sewing much is that I seem to have lost my sewing mojo. I'm hoping that it comes back soon. It's been a busy year for me (LOTS of family travel and issues). Those issues just seem to keep happening (no more travel lately, thank goodness). I don't mind travel, but it would be nice to travel for a vacation instead of all family needs/emergencies. Since I finally got home in late July, I sit in my sewing room and just watch movies, with little sewing getting done. All of my energy has gone into finding homes for 'other' peoples stashes, not using my own.